Westfield Avenue, Earl Shilton, Leicester, LE9 7RT
Telephone: 01455 844431
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If you would like to plan your future care in advance please make an appointment to see the doctor. You might like to consider your preferences and wishes about your future care. You can then jointly have a chat with the GP about your views and these can be recorded in your medical records.
This will help you make informed choices and enable us to help you communicate your wishes to all involved in your health care. It is particularly important that these can be taken into account should you become unable to make your own decisions at some future point.
If you or a carer want more information to help you think about how to plan your care in advance and the different options open to you, then please ask at reception for a copy of the ‘Deciding Right Planning Your Care In Advance Guide,’ or use the links below to view or download any of the following copies: