Heath Lane Surgery

Westfield Avenue, Earl Shilton, Leicester, LE9 7RT

Telephone: 01455 844431

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Patient Participation Group

The next PPG meeting is on 31st October2024 at 12.00 at Heath Lane Surgery


Make a difference and feel the difference by joining our surgery patient group

Volunteering to join our local patient participation group (PPG) is very rewarding and can make a real difference for our local community.

Joining our group is a great opportunity to help shape future healthcare services. Made up of likeminded volunteer patients, the practice manager and one or more of the GPs from the practice, we meet on a regular basis to discuss services and how improvements can be made to benefit patients and the practice.

There is an open invitation for anyone that would like to join the group. Many volunteers want to put something back into their community and make an impact. They tell us that by investing a little bit of time, it not only improves the lives of other people, but they also feel their own health and wellbeing improves. There is no greater reward than a strong and thriving community.

We would love you to join our patient group so we can improve our services for our community.

Heath Lane Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) was established in 2008 and was re-established in Summer 2023 following the pandemic. The PPG brings together interested Patients, Medical Professionals, Senior Management, and members of Practice staff to:

  • Advise on issues relating to the Practice.
  • Facilitate partnership working to promote the wellbeing of patients.
  • Support the practice in providing a high quality of care and service delivery.

What is your involvement?

By being a member of the PPG, you could benefit by:

  • Making a valued contribution to and involvement in our local community.
  • Taking the opportunity to use and improve inter-personal and other skills.
  • Through our projects, encouraging fellow patients towards healthy life choices.
  • Gaining useful experience for those aiming for a career in health or social care.

The roles within a PPG are, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, these roles are elected by the PPG Members at our Annual General Meeting held every 12 months.

2024/ 2025 PPG Roles

Diane Campbell – Chair

Bronwen Dowdeswell – Vice Chair

Sue Bates – Secretary

Belinda Botting- Secretary

The PPG meets regularly, with additional meetings if and when required. We hold meetings at 12.00, usually on a Thursday, and currently this is 6 weekly. If you are unable to attend meetings but feel you can contribute in other ways please get in touch. All skills are welcomed and appreciated.

If you would like to volunteer for the PPG, please complete the form on this page. Your details will be sent to the practice who will make contact.

Topics the PPG has discussed during meetings:

  • Hospital Discharges
  • Covid and Flu Clinics
  • Did Not Attend Appointment Rates

To find out more about volunteering with the patient group visit: http://www.leicesterleicestershireandrutlandhwp.uk/volunteering or contact the practice by completing the below form.

Patient Participation Enrolment

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Date of Birth*
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PPG Meeting Minutes

PPG Meeting 11.1.2024

PPG Meeting 7.3.2024

PPG Meeting 11.4.2024

PPG Meeting 15.8.2024

PPG Meeting 19.9.2024

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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